As I collected more and more metal from scrapyards, barns, garages, and flea markets, I realized I had an almost overwhelming amount of nuts and bolts. I started to think of what I could do with them, and it dawned on me as I was staring right at my 12 foot skeleton! (Halloween is a BIG thing around here)
So I went to work playing around with a basic layout for a hand, and from there decided to shape the hands into different designs. The future is bright for these little guys!
The base model for the hands.
The first of it's kind. Rock and roll, and welding of course!
From rock and roll to peace, it only gets better from here! There's so many ideas bouncing around in my head for designs, and I've gotten a lot of great feedback and suggestions on where to go with them next. Stay tuned and keep checking the product gallery for what's to come!